The Vision
Faith Church is part of the growing Satellite Church movement. Seven campuses share a common commitment to reaching people right where they are. Each campus is unique to the community they serve. They are unified in that primary direction and teaching originates from the Dyer campus. Saturday evenings the teaching is recorded and disseminated to the satellite campuses for Sunday morning services.

Designing the Vision
Leveraging professional quality video is a high value, especially on the Dyer campus, as they utilize IMAG, streaming and recording technology. Therefore, resources and energy were spent on providing tools for control and production. CSD provided a much needed upgrade to High Definition projection in the sanctuary and a production studio for live and recorded services. A Clear-Com intercom system connects front of house, backstage, production and camera locations.

Executing the Vision
The result is integrated video that supports the “One Church, many locations” mantra of the Faith Church community.